Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The green velvet cupcakes turned out more forest green than green-green, but they're still red-velvety delicious. I think I prefer the original french cream icing to the cream cheese frosting. There's nothing wrong with the cream cheese, I just think the french cream goes better with the cake. Also, I wanted to try piping the frosting on all nice and pretty, but I couldn't manage with the whole thumb thing plus my shoddy rigged up piping bag did not pan out the way I thought it would. I might have to bite the bullet and actually buy a piping bag and tips. Which isn't such a bad thing ; ) 

1 comment:

  1. I so totally know what you mean. Whenever I go to superstore I get all wound up and ready to implode if anyone bugs me. I really wish I could be a jerk and have the courage to tell someone off when they don't get the hell out of my way so I can move my cart past them and start bagging my groceries like they're taking they're sweet time doing. Some people are ignorant, oblivious, self-centered or just plain dumb.
