Wednesday, February 16, 2011

what's in my bag

I felt like switching purses today and since I had everything out, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and show you what's in my bag:

a) calculator for figuring out cost per unit and discounts. I can't do math in my head;
b) I'm a serial kleenex user. I think I got it from my gram who used kleenex for everything and always had a box within reach. Oh, and the extreme cold makes my nose runny sometimes;
c) I have a strapless dress and I want to put a shirt under it, so I matched a paint chip to it so I'd always have a colour reference just in case I spot something that'll work;
d) I only chew gum when I'm bored or hungry;
e) I hate iPod. There. I said it. This is my mp3;
f) sunglasses in a really extravagant case mom bought;
g) Cute as a Button change purse Idle Husband bought on our first trip to Greece. I keep change and folded bills inside;
h) Extreme Pita coupons for emergency Idle Husband hunger;
i) a woman I worked with once gave me this "always with you" angel while we were working on a store set-up together. I've kept it in my wallet since then even though I haven't seen her for years;
j) IKEA pencils work so much better than pens when it's -30C;
k) Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker. I really love this stuff. It leaves a bit of colour, too;
l) I hate conventional wallets. They're too big and bulky. This is basically a change purse, but it holds credit cards perfectly. I bought it at one of those handmade stores in the mall almost 10 years ago and it still looks brand new;
m) my keys. I don't know how people use those key fobs that are just decorations. I love my key bracelet. It's great when you need an extra hand. This is the third one I've had, and I'll never use the trinket type;
n) Idle Husband's old camera is small and light and perfect for my purse. I wish I could carry my good one around all the time, but it honestly gets too heavy to carry around for the amount of times I need a camera. I use this one mostly for comparing prices between stores. Take a picture of the item, compare it with the same item somewhere else. I'm sure most people use their cell phone for this, but I don't have a cell phone;
o) I've started programming the GPS for our favourites and carrying it around just in case. I'm not very good at navigating to new places based on street numbers. I'm all about landmarks. I wish there was a landmark GPS program ; )

I really love seeing these types of posts on other blogs cuz I'm such a terrible snoop!
Are you snoopy, too?


  1. I'm a major snoop:)

    Also, I'm a landmark person too. I've fine tuned it to an art and am really good at recognizing places I've been to once simply by
    their small details. Somehow the brain that sucks in all other areas can take in,process and remember things, visually. Its weird.

    I like your paint chip idea!

  2. The paint chip was a pretty good idea at the time, but now I'm not quite sure which colour on there matched the closest!
