Friday, May 6, 2011

cadbury creme egg ice cream

Do you have any leftover Cadbury creme eggs? No? Well, have you seen any in the stores for 50% off?

If you have, I have a suggestion.

Mix them into your favourite homemade vanilla ice cream -- heck, mix them into your favourite store-bought vanilla ice cream and wham bam, you've got yourself a fancy ice creamy confection.

I chose mini eggs because I like Cadbury creme eggs in miniature version. When they're shrunken, they're more chocolate than creme filling and that's what I prefer. But if you like the creme more, then go with the regular sized eggs. Either way, once frozen, the creme filling turns into a delicious chewy not-as-mindnumbingly-sweet addition and is whole-heartedly more palatable.

I chose vanilla ice cream because I did my homework. I looked into recipes for homemade Cadbury creme eggs (why do these exist?!) and discovered that the only flavourings being used were vanilla and sugar (if sugar can be called a flavour). Therefore, I figured that the best ice cream option had to be vanilla. Which also works out cuz you get to see chunks of creme egg throughout the ice cream and that's pretty. So. Win/win.

If you're adventurous and spunky like the people who are actually manufacturing their own creme eggs, you could easily take this to internet sensation level.

I thought about it.

Crack open some creme eggs, melt the filling into homemade vanilla ice cream mix, tint a quarter of it yellow to mimic the yolk, swirl that in. Crack some more eggs and swirl in the creme, then chop up the chocolate bits and swirl those in... But goodness. Doesn't that just tire you out thinking about it? Don't you have other more important stuff to do? Didn't you just want to eat some tasty ice cream and call it a day? Yeah. So did I.

{cadbury creme egg preparation}

Cadbury creme eggs (mini or larger and however damn many you please)

Unwrap all of the creme eggs and place them into a freezer safe container (don't worry, they won't stick together). Place in freezer until completely frozen (overnight is probably best). Once frozen, use a large, sharp knife to chop them up. Be careful! The first cut is the hardest cuz they're wiggling around, but after that, it's easier. I tried to get a decent mix of quarter pieces with plenty of yolk and smaller chocolate chunks and flakes for variety. Then throw the whole lot into your freezer safe container and put it back in the freezer for later.

{ice cream portion}

If you're making your own ice cream, add the frozen chopped eggs at the end of your mixing cycle. If your machine can, let it do the mixing, if not, swirl them in yourself with a wooden spoon (this is when you work off the extra calories you're eventually going to consume). Freeze until set then serve.

If you're using store-bought ice cream, put the amount you want in a bowl, sprinkle the chopped eggs on top, grab your spoon and swirl it in (and use your whole arm for mixing. Like, really go at it. Don't be a wimp and only use your wrist. Remember the calories). Bonus: This method's awesome cuz you end up with soft-serve Cadbury creme egg ice cream. Yeah. Soft-serve. You just whipped that up. You don't need no fancy machines.

{note} This works for any candies and chocolates you like. It's a pretty straight-forward method. I don't get why there are chocolate bar flavoured ice creams on the market.


  1. Hello!!! Awesome. Now if only they sold creme eggs throughout the whole year!!!

  2. The kid found and bought 60 of those yummy little buggers at Save On last week. 10 for a dollar. This recipe is most appreciated!

  3. Marie: I know! I think that's the only easter candy they don't sell all year round, right?

    Lael: They're so much more tempting when they're on sale, aren't they? I saw a huge box of them on a clearance cart last weekend and had to be yanked away by the arm.

    Barb: Anything's yummy when there's ice cream involved! ;)

  4. This looks delish!! I love those eggs! yummmy!!

    I ♥ Nap Time
