Friday, July 22, 2011

friday fixations

{garden centres} Shop for plants instead of pants, that's what I always say (actually, I never say that, I just thought it would be funny. Cuz pant shopping sucks so hard, right?) Slowly, slowly everything is starting to go on sale or clearance and going to all the garden centres is at the top of my mind. This week, I found various shades of pink and white peonies, pink tiger lilies (I've been looking for pink all summer), coral bells (the foliage on these is an amazing shade of pink), delphiniums (I don't know what colour these will be -- probably blue -- I was just excited to find some for only a buck each), pink oriental poppies (excited!), a pink day lily, and lambs ears (I love their silver colour but really. Who doesn't love a plant that's stroke-ably soft?). I'm planting up a storm in the front yard and in case you couldn't tell, I want a lot of pink out there.

embarrassing fact: this is our favourite dance song (and has become a fixation of its own)
{kinect dancing} We waited a long time to get the Kinect. We thought about how many times we used the Wii to excercise or play tennis or how often we actually set up the Dance Dance Revolution mat and played that game. And when it came right down to it, we just didn't think the Kinect was worth it. Enter the Greek parents. Wouldn't it be fun to get the Kinect and make them dance with it?! Duh! So we got it and had a lot of fun with it, but I didn't really properly try it until after they left. Now that I've played Dance Central a few times, I'm totally hooked. It's awesome! I couldn't coordinate my leg movements to the arrows and watch the screen for instructions on Dance Dance Revolution, so I really couldn't manage to get through one song without becoming frustrated. I kinda thought my dancing skills on this would be the same, but I'm managing the routines really well. They run through the moves with you for each skill level (and you can slow it down if you need to), then you mirror the lead dancer (which I find a little easier on the brain). And since this game incorporates arm movements and actually takes note of whether you bent your knees for a move (cheaters beware!), it's turned out to be a really great workout. A workout that's so much fun, I really don't notice I've been dancing for an hour (aside from the fact that I'm a lot sweatier by the end). I could do without the freestyle addition because it makes me feel even dumber than I already do, but I guess that's the whole point to most of these games, isn't it? That and finally destroying your husband at a video game! (See previous cheater note.)

Source: via Idle on Pinterest
{neon colours} I've never been all that attracted to neons before, but lately, I'm really liking how they look when paired with muted greys or muted shades of the same neon tone. Nothing really says summer quite like neon, right? Although, I am thinking I need to find some neon felt to make a spectacularly bright flower to pin on my winter jacket this year. And I really liked the little every day touches of neon in this post at decor8, too. That's what I'm talking about. (Also pictured: my insane friendship bracelet fixation rearing its ugly head again.)

{strawberries} And using the tip of my vegetable peeler to core them. Why didn't I think of doing that before? Duh.

{patterned walls} I don't know if I want to tackle a wallpaper job, tape up some stripes, or make my own stencil, but I'm really thinking about patterned walls lately. Plain paint just isn't inspiring me anymore.

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