Friday, July 1, 2011

june recap

I've been using instagram a lot lately so most of my pictures this month were through the iPod (oh, novelties). Here are a few of my favourites from June, but there's more to see over at my flickr page!

it rained and rained and rained some more

grass teaser
we finally got our grass! and our little bushes! now I'm scheming ways to take them out...

lost budgie
I spotted this taped to a mailbox on my usual walking route. Poor Aqua!

mongolian beef stir fry
our last meal before the Greek parents came: beef and vegetable stir fry

the parents arrived! We had Idle Husband's dad put in some dimmer switches.

walking through Queen Elizabeth park

I forgot how much fun it is to make friendship bracelets! I've been making them like crazy while watching Greek tv

Photoshop's fun when you're bored!


  1. Great pics, especially the yellow budgie(s) - I also enjoyed your flickr page.

  2. Thanks, Jane! I made one of Hermes in kind of a Japanamation scene, too! Maybe I'll post it one of these days.
