Friday, August 19, 2011

hey, man!

I got a little box of treasures this week.

Someone's grandma's old recipes. I don't know why anyone would ever give this away.

There are a few intriguing recipes. A lot of recipes for zucchini. I liked the idea of zucchini jam -- from Esther; Quite a few healthy granola-ish recipes, like this one for nut milk; And, of course, a lot of cookies and cakes. Golden honey carrot cookies sounded like something I have to try.

I had to laugh at the salad section. It only contains the jello, whipped cream, and fruit kind of salads, all happily named, "salad." It wasn't until I started reading ingredients that I caught on.

But the best part was what was printed on the back of some of the recipes cut from old newspapers.

Let me quote one of my favourites, a portion devoted to finding penpals.
...Age:14; Birthday: June 12; Favourite colour: purple; Favourite song: Too much Tequila; Favourite singer: me; Favourite actor: Kookie; Favourite saying: Hey, man! Favourite animal: wolf; Food: Spearmint and Juicy Fruit; Drink: H2O; Costume: bobby sox and blue jeans (etc.); Pet peeve: conceited boys like Jimmy F.; Secret ambitions: to become a beatnik, be first human on moon, live to be 21. All kidding aside (against my usual policy), I would like to have lots of penpals. Kookie fans, Elvis fans, horse lovers, and anybody interested in teen talk grab a hunk of wood and lead and scrawl me a line.
So I did some research.


  1. That's awesome! Did you find it at a yard sale?

  2. i think the best part has got to be the one looking for pen pals! so very funny! my favorite part is, "secret to be 21"

  3. What an adorable little recipe box! I don't know why anyone would want to be rid of it either. And it's yellow too! Even better! Not a big fan of zucchini, but that jam is sure creative.

  4. What an awesome find!
    I guess it's true what they say about one man's junk.

  5. Annie: Actually, my mom found it on a table of items that were being given away and she thought I'd like to look through it. She was right cuz it IS awesome!

    Danielle and Dinosaur Toes: I know! I really wish I had the first part of that ad!

    Lindsey @ Hot Polka Dot: I think she must've grown zucchini because there's that many recipes (and zucchini tends to grow like a weed). I agree with you, it's kind of a tasteless vegetable. But I do really love chocolate zucchini cake!

    Tricky nag: That applies to so many things!
