Friday, August 17, 2012

friday fixation: pinterest DIYs

Here're some fun things I've been contemplating lately!

{DIY ombre wall} I'm not going to paint a whole wall like this -- I've since grown very tired of my two "fancy" painted walls -- but I like the technique so I am going to use it on something else! (I'll post it as soon as it's done!)

Source: via idle on Pinterest

{DIY headboard} I really love how this looks. Initially I was thinking about making a tufted headboard, but that's starting to feel a little busy to me as, lately, I've been gravitating towards simplicity and calmness.

{DIY origami wall art} I love how this looks, but I think it would look miles better in plain white or black and white paper. I think this idea might be perfect in our bedroom (which is getting repainted soon. I'm SO SICK of the blue!).

{DIY geometric pendant} I've never used shrink plastic before, but this style totally motivates me to try it! I've been really obsessed with low hanging, pendant necklaces lately. It's high time I made some of my own.

Source: via idle on Pinterest

{DIY knit pendant} This isn't a DIY. You could purchase this pendant if you really wanted to, but it's so easy to do yourself, right? I don't want the neon orange; I'm thinking it would look much better in a soft grey or white. (Also, worst shop photo in the world, right?)

Source: via idle on Pinterest

{DIY cloud brooches} Also not a DIY, but totally doable. Who can't draw or form a cloud shape? And not as brooches, obviously, as pendants duh.

{DIY photo art} I'm not going to download this and print it (but you can for free!), it just makes me wonder why the hell I'm not printing my own photography to hang in my house. (Currently going through all the photos on my computer and choosing print worthy pieces...)

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of printing out your own photography for your walls. I'm totally going to do that for my kitchen once I move. Hello food shots!
