Wednesday, March 27, 2013

bunny desktop and easter ideas

I know, I know. You're getting sick of desktop wallpapers, aren't you? Well, I can't help it. I've been feeling very uninspired this month and when I get even a hint of an idea, it turns into a complete flop.

Maybe it's because Easter was early this year and coincides with my birthday or maybe it's because I don't can't eat eggs (they make me so sick!), or maybe (just maybe!) I still haven't gotten over the parking lot bunnies eating a lot of my garden plants last summer. So really, everything that goes along with Easter elicits a big "why bother?" or a "what's the point?" ala Aunt Linda (facial expressions, eye rolls and all).

I might also just have the winter blues. It feels like everyone's talking about crocuses, while we're still trudging around through snow and ice (it literally felt like I was walking through a glacier after they finally plowed out all the huge snow drifts on the walking path yesterday. The snow is me-high in some places!).

Anyway! Enough of my poor-me story. I was in a thrift shop last week and found this super cute little ceramic bunny. There were other ones there, too, and I wanted to say that you should look in your local thrift shop for Easter stuff. If you find some bunnies but don't like how they're painted, just get the ones with the shape you like and spray paint them. Gold seems to be trending right now for eggs, why not spray paint a bunny gold?

I liked the look of this one, blue (like how I'm feeling) and modern looking (which is a lot to ask of thrift store merchandise). I also like that his face isn't too sweet.

So the best part about this guy? I think he was (or is) a cotton ball dispenser.


There's a hole right where his little fluffy tail should be and it's the perfect size for a cotton ball.

I'm sure you know where to go to download the desktop wallpapers by now. They're all in my Flickr photostream. I like the iPhone and iPod ones. Bunny face for the lock page and bunny bum for the homescreen. Due to an error on my part, I'm without a Flickr page and all of my Flickr photos have been binned. You can now find the photos here:

You'll give me extra points for this, though, right?

Oh yes. And I thought I would share some of my favourite Easter Pinterest pins with you in a post, but those amounted to a whole three of them (whoa!). There are lots of others that I like on my Spring and Easter board that might tickle your fancy, too. Especially if you needed some last minute ideas.

My top three (that I would probably do if I weren't so grumpy):

I would use the Paint Chip Carrots on cards instead of as a garland.

These bunny ear sachets are so cute! I just wish I had some use for them! I wish it so hard!

I love anything having to do with origami (cuz it's easy and cheap!). Actually, I should rephrase that. I'm more into origami shapes right now than I normally am because they're so graphic and geometric! I love these paper bunnies and these bunny treat holders. I mean, if you were doing an Easter supper, I can really see either of these sitting at every place setting. And I forgot about this origami bunny print which you could use as wrapping or on a card.

Also, I have to tell you. When I went to Greece, we did a lot of family visiting, and, well, obviously, for me there's this huge language barrier that pretty much leaves me just sitting and smiling quietly for hours on end. My one moment of grace came when there were children around and paper and I created the two origami figures I have memorized -- the paper crane and the paper balloon. And they were such. a. hit. Words cannot express how quickly I went from "that Canadian girl who knows nothing" to the superstar hero cool dude of the room. If you were to just learn how to fold a bunny (or anything, really), you'll be the friggin' star of any party you go to forever. And finally, don't forget to blow their minds when you make one out of a gum wrapper. Trust me. Parlor tricks. You should really have some up your sleeve.


  1. I love your desktop wallpapers but it looks like there is an error with some of them. Is there a way I can find these?

  2. Thanks, Lisa! I actually had a major screw up a little while ago when I deleted my Flickr account without realizing I WAS deleting my Flickr account. So I've been going back through and trying to update the desktop wallpapers, but it hasn't been exactly stimulating work. If there's any that you'd like that are still missing, just pop a comment and I'll fix them as soon as I can!
