Wednesday, April 3, 2013

diys i didn't

{gold trimmed geode coasters} I've had a set of geode coasters in my home for a number of years. Actually, they're not really a set. I just picked up four geode slices that were flat and a good size for a cup for next to nothing the last time I was in Drumheller and then I stuck some squares of felt on one side. So a few months ago, I thought I'd jazz them up by applying some gold leaf to the edges as I've been seeing a lot of gilded geode coasters popping up for sale all over the place this year (and last). And then, literally the week I decided to buy some gold leaf, I opened my reader to find this. The edges of these coasters are painted with gold paint which is so much easier than using gold leaf and also less expensive since I already own the paint.

{pickled headboard} I guess this one isn't technically a diy that I can follow along with, but look at it. How easy is that to manufacture myself? I've been thinking and dreaming about doing this one for quite some time. Our bedroom is in the most horrible state of affairs. Well, I guess it's not horrible. Most people would probably think it's pretty nice. But I painted it blue a year ago and I've absolutely hated it since. Hated it. Hated it so much I didn't even put any pictures or art back up I was that convinced it had to be repainted. So I have a long list of things that need doing this year to make me happy and one of those is a headboard.

{matte nail polish} I was pretty obsessed with matte nail polish until I couldn't find the matte topcoat I wanted and then I thought this is probably another beauty product I'll have to wait 10 years before Canada gets a hold of, so I let my search die (I know, the internet, but shipping one bottle of nail polish here is crazy stupid expensive. FOR NAIL POLISH). This tutorial looks too good to be true and I haven't tried it yet, but I'm absolutely dying to. That'll be me on the weekend, either squealing with delight or cursing it out. It could really go either way on this one.

{washi tape bike} We just bought bikes! I mean, a couple months ago, serendipitously, I wandered past a sporting goods store that was having a closing out sale and before I knew it, I was wheeling out two bikes plus all the accessories (locks, helmets, gel seats, the works) for less than the price of one bike sold during peak biking season. Anyway, I keep being drawn to this idea. Not that I really care too much about the style of my bike (and mine is a minty-turquoise blue so I like it), but this is kind of a cute idea. Except that I don't have a hell of a lot of washi tape in my possession and I like to save these things for special... things (washi tape is so expensive to me. Is there some discount washi tape dealer everyone else is using that I don't know about? Cuz I gasp with a look of horror every time I see someone using washi tape to, oh, I don't know, mask off their fingernail for a paint effect or use on the underside of something to hold it down. Um, the point is that it's an artistic tape, isn't it? Am I mental?). So given those facts about me (the cheap facts, not the mental sanity ones), and since my bike's already a pretty colour, I'm thinking I could judiciously use my cute washi tape to cover up the bike's horrible logo and printed details and leave the rest as-is. I think I also should have bought a bell. As a walker, I really appreciate it when bikers give me a ring before they speed by (bells prevent heart attacks!). (Maybe you should consider the mental sanity facts after all.)


  1. I still haven't done the coasters either, although I've been wanting to! I guess I just figure I've got too much stuff lying around already, so maybe I shouldn't add to it. Also, I wanted to make a pendant light like the one in the second picture for my dining room, but husband said no. What a killjoy.

  2. I love the matte nail polish trend so much! It just gives something a little extra cool to your nails. And the idea to put washi tape on a bike is amazing! I bought my bike at Walmart so about 50 other people on my campus have the same bike but putting washi tape on it would make it unique!

  3. Adore the coasters! I really want a set. Going on the hunt for Geode!! Thanks for sharing xx

  4. Hey Danielle! My rule of thumb (with husbands, that is) is to just do it and have it done completely before he gets home. He'll never change it himself and he usually loves it after it's done anyway (he just doesn't have the design foresight to imagine what it's going to look like when it's finished like I do). Besides, my job is my home so am I not the boss of that? ;)

    Carrie: Since I'm not a biker, I didn't really think about that, but yeah! Most bikes pretty much look the same, so it would make it a lot easier to find in the bike parking lot!

    Laura: Look for a rock supply store in your area. For me, it's much cheaper to go the source (plus I get to visit my dinosaurs), but there is a gem and mineral store in town that I also love that sells individual slices at a fraction of the cost so I'm sure they're many more out there!
