Wednesday, May 22, 2013

diy: beaded necklace

I've been finding a lot of really pretty necklaces lately that are either out of my price range or no longer in stock. So I've decided I'm going to start making more necklaces for myself (since it's really dead-easy).

This is based on this inspiration necklace. I was initially drawn to it for the pastel colours paired with the really graphic black and white, but it's no longer for sale.

I took the basic pattern, used colours of beads that I liked and this is my finished necklace.

If you want to make something similar, this is what you'll need:

Seed beads in any colours you like, but you'll definitely need black and white
beading filament (I like to use a thin fishing line) measured out in lengths of 8 (be sure to leave extra for tying)
2 flower bead caps (similar to this)
2 jump rings (this is helpful if you've never used these before)
1 clasp (I used this style)

The pattern is based on the inspiration necklace, but since they used larger beads than I did, I had to come up with new counts. Obviously, you can change this if you want shorter colour lengths or if your beads are larger.

Basically, the strands are made up of three repeating patterns.

You start with Pattern 1 which is:
- 6 black
- 2 white
- 2 black
- 2 white
- 2 black
- 2 white
- 2 black
- 2 white
- 2 black
- 2 white
- 6 black

Pattern 2 is a full block of one of the coloured beads you're using. My count is 21 beads.

Finally, Pattern 3 is made up of:
- 6 black
- 6 white
- 2 black
- 6 white
- 6 black

A full pattern is:
- Pattern 1
- Pattern 2
- Pattern 3
- Pattern 2
- Pattern 1
- Pattern 2
- Pattern 3
- Pattern 2

Repeat as many times as needed for the length you want, just make sure to end with Pattern 1.

Confused? Don't be! The best part about this is that you can always adjust the counts, the pattern, and the colours however you like. That's the beauty of making your own necklaces. If you see something you like, you can figure out how to make it so it best suits your style.

Once you have the strands all beaded, finish them by tying the ends through a bead cap. Then tie the filament around a jump ring on either side and attach the clasp to one of the jump rings. Finished! (whew!)

Summer is going to be the season of necklaces since I'll finally be able to show them off and they won't be hiding under a winter coat!


  1. I love this necklace so much!! I have so many beads left over my last project I should try and make this. Thanks for sharing!!

    Check out our new store on Etsy my sisters and I just opened! We make recycled bottle cap necklaces. We have been making them since we were in middle school (6 years ago at least now) and we are wanting to sell what is left of the last of our stock before moving onto our new and exciting venture!! :). Get them while you can. feel free to pass the site or the word on. Appreciate it!!


  2. oh wow! This is gorgeous, maybe I will attempt it - it looks so complicated but your instructions make it so simple.

  3. The necklace you made look better than the necklace that inspired you!! Great job!! Love it!!
