Monday, May 9, 2011

fruit salad

I was so excited to try the guava, but unfortunately, it wasn't ripe enough yet.


  1. That's the prettiest fruit salad I've ever seen!

    My grandma used to douse hers in vodka, haha

  2. I thought about having some sort of dressing, but I prefer it plain. That sounds like something my grandma would have done, too! ;)

  3. pitahaya - the cactus flower? how dows that taste?? i hade seen some when i was in barcelona, but i didn't try them, unfortunately. your fruit salad looks delicious. your blog as well!

  4. Thank you! Well... how can I describe it? It tasted like a watered down, less flavourful apple... kind of. It wasn't as interesting in flavour as it is in looks, let's put it that way. For one piece of fruit, they're kind of pricey here, so I think this is my first and last pitahaya dining experience!
